"This is the greatest quote I have ever said. Probably too great for this website. I'll probably change it before the site goes live"
-- Melvin Toast
A Halo Called Fred has spent the last two decades making the geekiest sounds ever to spring from guitar, bass, violin, and Tupperware. Featuring songs about pirates, cavemen, and any body part or flying thing you can think of. They have lent their talents to Burlesque shows, motion picture soundtracks, a rock opera, and host the annual charity event "The Freaky Mutant Weirdo Variety Show". Specializing in counter-cultural and geeky conventions, the Halo is proud to bring musical joy to any gathering. From Setampunks to Fairies, Bikers to Furries, our message always rings true - "We Love You All!"
The Halo currently shines on
Geverend Dee |
Brushwood Thicket
Farmer |
Tiny |
Queenie |
Invisible Friend
Chester |
The Halo also shined on
Jim Bob Rubbernecker |
Last Robot |
Gerrymiah T. Bullfrog |
The Adhesive Queen |
Copyright © 2025 A Halo Called Fred. We love you all.